Phone: 605.867.5236‍

General Assistance Program

In 1992, Congress passed the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program. This act authorized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide General Assistance Program (GAP) grants to federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia for planning, developing and establishing environmental protection programs in Indian country, and for developing and implementing solid and hazardous waste programs on tribal lands.

The goal of GAP is to assist tribes and intertribal consortia in developing the capacity to manage their own environmental protection programs and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with individual tribal needs and applicable federal laws and regulations.
For more information on the EPA’s GAP funding and guidelines, see the EPA website (

Let us know about possibly contaminated sites!

If you have seen an illegal dumpsite or other possible signs of contamination, please contact OST Brownfields Program in the OSTEPP office at (605) 867-5236 or by email at


Go to "Report Illegal Dumping!" page to Report →

Contact Info

Oglala Sioux Tribe Environmental Protection Program

PO BOX 2008 PINE RIDGE, SD 57770

Phone: 605-867-5236
Fax: 605-867-1845

Contact Us >>

Report Illegal Dumping

Report illegal dumping, dumpsites or other possible signs of contamination, please contact us at (605) 867-5236 or by email at or Go to Report Illegal Dumping! page to Report.